Annabelle Gov

Annabelle Gov

PositionResearch Director


I am a fourth year pharmacy student at the University of Canberra. As Research Director, my role is to provide and promote research opportunities to students across Australia, through initiatives like the poster competition, research symposiums, the research notice board and so much more! I also have the privilege to be Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Australian Pharmacy Students’ Journal (APSJ), an amazing platform that allows students to publish academic work. An important goal I want to achieve during my term is to get as many students excited about research and demystify the field. You can be a student and get involved as a researcher, you can write articles and publish your work in a peer-reviewed journal, nothing is impossible! Outside of uni work, I enjoy reading, learning new languages and taking occasional naps. If you are curious about NAPSA’s research initiatives or the APSJ, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

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