Vacant position of NAPSA Research Chair open for applications

NAPSA has re-opened the position of Research Chair for the 2023/24 term!

This is a fantastic opportunity for any applicant to take on a leadership role and contribute to the growth and development of pharmacy students across Australia. The NAPSA Board strongly encourages all members to nominate themselves, as this is an exciting opportunity to expand your network and gain leadership experience.

The nomination and application is a two-step process. The nomination form is the first step and a video application is the second step. Once both of these steps are complete, your application will be accepted and you will be in the running for Research Chair!

If you would like to apply, or have any questions regarding the application please email Applications will close on the 18th of October 11:59pm AEST.

NAPSA’s Research Director announces the opening of the annual student research poster competition

It’s that time of year again! The 2023/24 NAPSA Research Director Annabelle Gov has announced the opening of submissions for the annual Student Research Poster Competition.

All student researchers are encouraged to submit their work, as we are accepting all posters for research conducted by pharmacy students regarding pharmacy practice and clinical pharmacy.

The criteria for posters:

  • Posters should have a Title, Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion and the email address of the author
  • References are not necessary, and “Please email the author for references” may be included instead

Submissions are open NOW and will close at 11:59pm AEST on 30th of November 2023.

The prizes are:

  • 1st place: $150 gift card
  • 2nd place: $100 gift card
  • 3rd place: $50 gift card

Posters will also be displayed at the 2024 NAPSA Congress in Tasmania! The top 3 applicants will be offered the opportunity to provide a 3-minute lightning talk video about their poster, which will be broadcasted at NAPSA Congress 2024.

To enter the competition, please email your poster to Annabelle at before 11:59pm AEST 30th of November 2023.

Please Note:

Students must be currently studying a Bachelor, Master, or Extended Masters degree in Pharmacy, or a double degree in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics. Students from all year levels are welcome to apply, but applicants must be a student in the 2023 academic year.

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