Vacant position of NAPSA Research Chair open for applications

NAPSA has re-opened the position of Research Chair for the 2023/24 term!

This is a fantastic opportunity for any applicant to take on a leadership role and contribute to the growth and development of pharmacy students across Australia. The NAPSA Board strongly encourages all members to nominate themselves, as this is an exciting opportunity to expand your network and gain leadership experience.

The nomination and application is a two-step process. The nomination form is the first step and a video application is the second step. Once both of these steps are complete, your application will be accepted and you will be in the running for Research Chair!

If you would like to apply, or have any questions regarding the application please email Applications will close on the 18th of October 11:59pm AEST.

Brand new roles on the NAPSA team open for applications

Committees have now been established to support our NAPSA Chairs in their efforts to advocate for pharmacy students across Australia.

These brand new committees will be formed by the new role of NAPSA Team Member, an initiative designed to provide support and provide students with opportunities to work in a specific committee of their interest.

The nomination for NAPSA Team Member swill be made online via a Google Form:

You will be required to answer the questions in the Google Form and submit your curriculum vitae. Applications will close on the 18th of October at 11:59pm AEST.

The following positions are available:

  • Publications Committee member
  • Alumni Committee member
  • Research Committee member
  • APSJ Committee member
  • IPSF Committee member
  • Rural and Indigenous Committee member
  • Education Committee member
  • Scholarships Committee member
  • Policy Committee member
  • NPSS Committee member

If you have any questions regarding the application please email:

We can’t wait to see you on the team!

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